※Mummy【物】 (媽媽);Daddy【物】 (爸爸);Little Brother 【物】(弟弟)《Elder Brother則是哥哥》
* I am Peppa Pig.
I am (Name 名字) << 是用來介紹自已的。亦可以表示自已是什麼(What),如:I am a girl. (我是女孩子)
*This is my little brother George.
This is (Other's name 別人的名字) << "This is"可用來介紹你的朋友給其他人認識,外國人通常用「This is…」多過 「He is/She is…」 。
* It is raining today.
想形容天氣的話,可用It is (Weather 天氣形容詞),如 It is sunny today.(今天陽光明媚);It is windy today.(今天很大風)
* It'd stop raining
雨停了,用「stop raining」
* Can we go out to play?
Can (someone/something 人或物)+(do something做某件事)?
- "Can" 即 "可以",當問別人可不可以做某樣東西,就將"Can"放在句子的最前,如:Can I go to the washroom?
- 當表示可以做到某樣東西,就將"Can"放在人或物後,如:I can play football.
* Alright.<< 表示好的。同"OK"有相同意思。用得太多"OK"可試試用"Alright"=P
* Peppa loves jumping in muddy puddles.
Love(an action/activity 動作/活動) << 當表示喜歡一種活動,可用"love"表示。注意通常表示喜愛某活動的,動詞可加 "ing"或者在動詞前加 "to"。
* If you jump in muddy puddles, you must wear your boots.
If you(do something 做某樣東西), you…,即「如果…就…」,如:If you don't do your homework, you will be punished by your teacher.
* Peppa likes to look after his little brother George.
"Look after" 即 "照顧",如:I can't go to play because(因為) I have to look after by little sister.
* Let's find some more puddles.
Let's(do something 做某樣東西).<< "Let's" 即 "不如…",如:Let's go shopping(不如去逛街吧。)
* Peppa and George are having a lot of fun.
"Have fun" 大約時 "好玩"的意思,因Peppa 和 George正在玩,而且覺得好好玩,所以Have要加 "ing" = Having.
- 若想表示「我今天去了公園,很好玩呀!」,可這樣說:I went to the park today, it is fun. <<用"it is"
※Safe【形容】(安全);Mud 【物】(泥)
* George wants to jump into the big puddle first.
want to(do something 做某樣東西) << "Want"即 "想"。
- 若表示想做某動作/活動,就要在"want"後加"to";若表示想要某東西,就不用加"to"。如:I want to play football. / I want the teddy bear.
* Come on << "來吧!"的意思,可表示崔促,如:Come on! We will be late for school!(來吧,我們快遲到了)
* Guess what we've been doing. << 猜猜我們剛剛在做什麼? Guess what we have been doing. "Guess" 即 "猜猜"
* Let me think << 等我想想
* Have a bath << 沖涼 "Bath" 是 "沖涼",若想表示沖涼這個動作可說"Have a bath",如:I want to have a bath before dinner.(我想在吃晚餐前沖涼呀。)
* Look at the mess you are in.
"Mess" 即 "凌亂的狀態、髒亂的東西、一團糟".
- 通常用"in a mess" 。若想表示某人個髒亂得有點狼狽,可說:You are in a mess.
* Will you and mummy come and play too?
"Will"常有將來的意思,這裡將"Will"放在句子最前,代表"會不會",如:Will you go to school today?(你今天會不會想學)。
- 若表示我會做某東西,就將"Will"放在人或物後,如:I will go to school today(我今天會上學。)
Quizz 小小測驗
1. What is Peppa little brother's name?
2. What should we do when we jump in muddy puddles?
3. Who found the big puddle? Who found the little puddle?